Nursing Case Study- Nursing Assignment Sample | Assignment Essay

Nursing Assignment Sample on Nursing Case Study

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Nursing Assignment Questions

John is a 60-year old male admitted into a rehabilitation unit post left hip replacement. John is complaining of pain and is reluctant to move out of bed, despite being encouraged by doctors and nurses.
Identify 2 actual nursing diagnoses and one potential nursing diagnoses, relevant to John’s condition.
Outline three nursing interventions in correctly formatted nursing progress notes.

Nursing Assignment Solution on Nursing Case Study

Option 2

Analgesia like opioid analgesics can help in preventing pain in John post operation. These analgesics act as antagonists and helps in preventing pain sensation in patients by blocking the pain receptors (Macrae, 2008).

Physiotherapist's help is required in improving John's mobility and regain independence. The exercises done by them will not only help in strengthening the muscles, but improves mobility and take control of day to day routine work (Rahmann, 2009)

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Heavy loss in fluid and electrolytes (Actual) Observation of vital status of individual Fluid and electrolytes balance restored to normal level within 8 hours of intervention Abnormal vital signs can worsen the situation and lead to death
Measurement of fluid intake and output Patient feels better and regains strength Fluid balance is essential for proper functioning of body and to prevent excessive weakness (Metheny, 2011)
Assessing sodium, potassium and other minerals in the body Patient muscle coordination's  and weakness improves Excessive dehydration can lead to heavy loss of minerals which impair important signalling pathways
Nutritional Needs impaired (Actual) Measurement of nutritional status and weight of patient Nutritional status improved Excessive dehydration can lead to excess weight loss.
Assessing factors which leads to nutritional disorder Intake of liquid and semi –solid nutrition increase Improved nutrition is required to maintain the integrity of patient
Physical examination of abdomen is must as excessive vomiting must have led to stress. No nausea and vomiting Excessive nausea and vomiting can lead to excessive pressure on gut and lung muscles and weakens the total system.
Impaired Skin due to heavy water and fluid loss Cleaning of anal area and changing clothes from time to time Patient doesn't feel uncomfortable Excessive dehydration and watery stool can lead to skin infection
Application of anti-dermatitis and anti-infection powder near the hip region. The skin will remain toned and doesn't break on application of little pressure Excessive moisture and one single position can lead to inflammation by bacteria (Gordon, 2010)
Changing position of patient slowly and gently No irritation or infection Stress on weakened skin can lead to skin breakage


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