Open Systems Model Aids Employee Satisfaction -

Open Systems Model Aids Employee Satisfaction

Sample Assignments

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Business Management Question

Assignment 3 Guidelines 

Please note that Teamwork is a key learning outcome of the unit and assignment 3 has been specifically designed for this purpose. It is therefore not possible to replace this group assignment with an individual task.

It is important that students are available and willing to work on the assignment throughout weeks 8-12 of the session.

There is both a Group and Individual component to this assignment. Full details of both components are provided below.

  • Group Component

Groups will consist of 3-4 members and students can choose whomever they wish to work with on the assignment. If no preference is advised by the end of week 6, the UA will assign students to a particular group. Group compositions will be announced at the end of week 7. On-campus students will generally be grouped with other students from the same tutorial class, while External students will be grouped with other External students.

Group Task

Each group will firstly select one of the following key issues that managers of organisations often strive to develop or contend with: 

  1. Organisational Commitment
  2. Employee Satisfaction
  3. Deviant workplace behaviour

Groups are to then prepare a report (max 1500 words) which describes and explains:

  1. The selected management issue and its role in organisational performance.
  2. How the Human Relations or Open Systems model of the CVF might be used to effectively address the selected issue.
  3. The limitations and/or risks that should be considered when undertaking the particular management approach (i.e. the HR or OS model) to address the selected issue.  

This report will be prepared as a word document (.docx) and submitted by one group member prior to the due date. The report will be assessed according to the ‘Group Component’ marking criteria (available in the Assignment 3 file on BB) with each student in the group receiving the same common mark.

  • Individual Component

Individual students are to undertake and submit a review of their Group’s performance. The ‘Performance Review’ report (max 500 words) will identify and analyse the key factors (good and/or bad) that contributed to the group’s performance (process and outcome). The report will be assessed according to the ‘Individual Component’ marking criteria (available in the Asmt 3 file).

Tip: students should avoid simply ‘describing’ their experience. Rather, the focus should be on analysing the reasons ‘why’ positive and/or negative behaviours contributed to the group outcome.

Business Management Solution

The Open Systems Model of the Competing Values Framework lays emphasis on components like flexibility and external focus while stressing on readiness, resource acquisition and also growth and external support (Martz, 2013). Adaptability is another one of its key components. The Open Systems Model encourages innovation and brings creativity to an organization. The employees working as a part of this model in an organization are not controlled but inspired to put forth out of the box solutions to competitive problems. 

The Open Systems Model of the CVF emphasizes the need for attentiveness and responsiveness in an evolving business environment. In an ever-changing market scenario, the employees are expected to be upbeat in their approach and combat competition using innovation (Dastaviz, 2014). This does not only give the employees a sense of achievement but also helps them realize their worth in the organization. It also develops the ability to think creatively in stressful situations among employees. All of these factors contribute to enhancing employee satisfaction, and employees feel motivated to contribute to the growth of the organization.

The Open Systems Model also contributes to enhancing employee satisfaction among senior management by ensuring effective leadership (Chemers, 2014). The primary role of leaders in an organization is to keep their teams motivated to achieve results in a certain direction. This direction becomes clearer when the leader himself is cognizant of the internal as well as external requirements of the organization. He is thus able to guide his team better, leading to better results and a motivated workforce.

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